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辺り / あたり / ほとり : n 1 uk 1)on the bank of 2)by the side of (e.g. a river, pond) 2 3)(in the) neighbourhood 4)neighborhood 5)vicinity 6)nearby P
中たり / あたり : n 1 1)hit 2 2)success 3 3)guess 4)prediction 4 5)affability 6)friendliness 5 7)sensation 8)touch 6 9)bruise (on fruit) 10)(7) situation in which a stone or chain of stones may be captured on the next mo... 11)(8) bite (of a fish on a hook) 12)strike suf 13)(9) per 14)each
当り / あたり : n 1 1)hit 2 2)success 3 3)guess 4)prediction 4 5)affability 6)friendliness 5 7)sensation 8)touch 6 9)bruise (on fruit) 10)(7) situation in which a stone or chain of stones may be captured on the next mo... 11)(8) bite (of a fish on a hook) 12)strike suf 13)(9) per 14)each P
中り / あたり : n 1 1)hit 2 2)success 3 3)guess 4)prediction 4 5)affability 6)friendliness 5 7)sensation 8)touch 6 9)bruise (on fruit) 10)(7) situation in which a stone or chain of stones may be captured on the next mo... 11)(8) bite (of a fish on a hook) 12)strike suf 13)(9) per 14)each
当たり / あたり : n 1 1)hit 2 2)success 3 3)guess 4)prediction 4 5)affability 6)friendliness 5 7)sensation 8)touch 6 9)bruise (on fruit) 10)(7) situation in which a stone or chain of stones may be captured on the next mo... 11)(8) bite (of a fish on a hook) 12)strike suf 13)(9) per 14)each P
可惜 / あたら / あったら : adj-pn 1)alas 2)regrettably
当たり日 / あたりび : n 1)day that something happens 2)day that one happens across something
当りめ / あたりめ : n uk 1)dried squid 2)dried cuttlefish
当たりめ / あたりめ : n uk 1)dried squid 2)dried cuttlefish

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