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あんよ : n vs 1 1)(chn) foot 2)tootsie 3)tootsy 2 4)(chn) toddle 5)walk
暗譜 / あんぷ : n vs 1)memorizing musical scores
諳譜 / あんぷ : n vs 1)memorizing musical scores
暗夜 / あんや : n 1)dark night
闇夜 / あんや / やみよ : n 1)dark night
暗ゆ / あんゆ : n 1)metaphor
暗喩 / あんゆ : n 1)metaphor
あんま : adv ksb: 1)not very (with negative sentence) 2)not much (with negative sentence)
あん摩 / あんま : n vs 1 1)massage, esp. the Anma Japanese type of massage n 2 2)(sens) masseur 3)masseuse 4)massager 3 arch col 5)blind person (as many were traditionally massagers) P
按摩 / あんま : n vs 1 1)massage, esp. the Anma Japanese type of massage n 2 2)(sens) masseur 3)masseuse 4)massager 3 arch col 5)blind person (as many were traditionally massagers)

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