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慈雨 / じう : n 1)welcome rain 2)beneficial rain 3)blessed rain 4)rain that comes after a drought
滋雨 / じう : n 1)welcome rain 2)beneficial rain 3)blessed rain 4)rain that comes after a drought
地歌 / じうた : n 1)(style of) folk song
地唄 / じうた : n 1)(style of) folk song
/ / てら : suf 1)counter for temples n 2)temple (Buddhist) P
/ / つぎ : pref 1 1)next 2 2)hypo- (i.e. containing an element with low valence) 3 3)(ctr) order 4)sequence 5)time 6)times n adj-no 1 7)next 8)following 9)subsequent 2 10)stage 11)station P
/ : n 1)hemorrhoids 2)piles
/ / / / みち : suf 1 1)route 2)road 2 3)distance travelled in a day 3 4)(with decade) one's .... 5)age .... n 1 arch 6)way n-suf 2 7)way to ... 8)road to ... n 1 9)road 10)street 11)way 12)path 13)course 14)route 15)lane 2 16)distance 17)ways (e.g. "a long ways") 3 18)the way (of proper conduct, etc.) 19)one's way 20)morals 4 21)teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist) 22)dogma 5 23)field (of medicine, etc.) 24)subject 6 25)way 26)method 27)means
/ : 1)di (pref)
/ : n 1)emperor's seal
/ / / つし / つち : n 1 abbr 1)ground 2)land 3)earth 4)soil 2 5)the region in question 6)the local area 3 7)skin 4 8)texture 9)fabric 10)material 11)weave 5 12)base 13)background 6 14)one's true nature 15)(7) narrative (i.e. descriptive part of a story) 16)(8) real life 17)actuality 18)(9) (in the game of go) captured territory 19)(10) noh chorus 20)(11) (in Japanese dance) accompaniment music 21)(12) (in Japanese music) basic phrase (usu. repetitive) 22)(13) base part (of multiple shamisens) n n-suf 1 23)earth 24)ground 2 25)place 3 26)territory 4 27)bottom (of a package, book, etc.) 5 28)earth (one of the five elements) P n 1 29)earth 30)dirt 31)clay 32)mud 2 33)the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens) 34)the ground 35)the land 3 36)low-quality torinoko-gami (containing mud) 4 37)(period of) refraining from construction in the direction of the god of the eart...
/ / じゅう / ちゅう / はしら : n n-suf 1)bridge (of a koto, etc.) n 2)fret (of a biwa) n n-suf 1 3)bridge (of a koto, etc.) 2 4)cylinder 5)prism n 1 6)pillar 7)post 2 8)support 9)prop 10)mainstay suf 3 11)counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc. P
/ / とき / どき : suf 1 1)hour 2)o'clock suf adj-no 2 3)(specified) time 4)when ... 5)during ... n 1 6)time 7)hour 8)moment 2 9)occasion 10)case 3 11)chance 12)opportunity 13)season 4 14)the times 15)the age 16)the day 5 17)(ling) tense P n-suf 18)time for - 19)time of - 20)- time 21)(suitable) time to -
/ / : n n-suf 1 1)child 2 2)young (animal) 3 3)young woman 4)young geisha 4 5)offshoot 5 6)interest 6 abbr 7)new shares n 8)(7) player who is not a dealer (in cards, mahjong, etc.) n n-suf arch 9)(8) bird egg n-suf 10)(9) (after a noun or -masu stem) -er (often of young women) n-suf 11)child P
/ ころ / : ok pref 1)self- pref 1 2)self- 2 3)from ... 3 4)this ... (in contrast to some other ...) 5)aforementioned
/ ことば / : n 1 1)language 2)dialect 2 3)word 4)words 5)phrase 6)term 7)expression 8)remark 3 9)speech 10)(manner of) speaking n 1 11)address (e.g. opening or closing remarks) 12)speech 2 13)ci (Chinese literary form) 3 14)ancillary word
/ あざ / あざな / : n suf 1)section of village P n 1 2)Chinese courtesy name (name formerly given to adult Chinese men, used in place o... 2 3)nickname 3 4)section of a village n 1 5)character (i.e. kanji) 2 6)hand-writing 7)penmanship 3 8)the ... word (i.e. "the L word" = "love")
/ / / / / / : 1)(ctr) counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the i... 2)a noun read using its on-yomi 1 3)(ctr) counter for articles 2 4)counter for military units 3 5)individual ok uk 6)(ctr) counter for the hito-futa-mi counting system (forming hitotsu, futatsu, m... uk 7)(ctr) counter for the hito-futa-mi counting system (forming hitotsu, futatsu, m...
/ こと / こん / ごと / : n 1 1)thing 2)matter 2 3)incident 4)occurrence 5)event 6)something serious 7)trouble 8)crisis 3 9)circumstances 10)situation 11)state of affairs 4 12)work 13)business 14)affair 5 15)after an inflectable word, creates a noun phrase indicating something the speake... n-suf 6 16)nominalizing suffix 17)(7) pretending to ... 18)playing make-believe ... n n-suf uk 19)(8) alias 20)aka 21)nickname 22)alternative name 23)also known as P suf 1 24)nominalizing suffix 2 25)pretending to ... n 26)(Buddh) individual concrete phenomenon (as opposed to a general principle)

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