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ちんどん屋 / ちんどんや : n 1)traditional Japanese band of sandwich board advertisers
ちんどん屋 / ちんどんや : n 1)traditional Japanese band of sandwich board advertisers
鎮魂 / ちんこん / ちんごん : n vs 1)repose of souls P
珍談 / ちんだん : n 1)funny story 2)anecdote 3)gossip
沈殿 / ちんでん : n vs 1)precipitation 2)deposition 3)settlement (e.g. of sediment)
沈澱 / ちんでん : n vs 1)precipitation 2)deposition 3)settlement (e.g. of sediment)
椿堂 / ちんどう : n 1 arch 1)father 2)male parent 2 arch 3)father's room
珍膳 / ちんぜん : n 1)uncommon and delicious meal

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