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突止める / つきとめる : v1 vt 1)to determine (esp. a culprit or underlying cause) 2)to pin down 3)to make sure 4)to locate 5)to identify 6)to find out 7)to ascertain
突き留める / つきとめる : v1 vt 1)to determine (esp. a culprit or underlying cause) 2)to pin down 3)to make sure 4)to locate 5)to identify 6)to find out 7)to ascertain
突き止める / つきとめる : v1 vt 1)to determine (esp. a culprit or underlying cause) 2)to pin down 3)to make sure 4)to locate 5)to identify 6)to find out 7)to ascertain
突き詰める / つきつめる : v1 vt 1)to investigate thoroughly 2)to probe into 3)to think something through 4)to follow an argument to its logical conclusion
突き通る / つきとおる : v5r vi 1)to penetrate
突立てる / つきたてる : v1 vt 1 1)to stab 2)to thrust (into) 2 3)to plant (in the ground) 4)to stick upright
突き立てる / つきたてる : v1 vt 1 1)to stab 2)to thrust (into) 2 3)to plant (in the ground) 4)to stick upright
尽きはてる / つきはてる : v1 vi 1)to be exhausted
尽き果てる / つきはてる : v1 vi 1)to be exhausted

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