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なのだ : aux 1)it is assuredly that ... 2)can say with confidence that ...
名乗る / なのる : v5r vi 1)to call oneself (name, label, etc.) 2)to give one's name (as) 3)to impersonate or claim (to be someone) P
名告る / なのる : v5r vi 1)to call oneself (name, label, etc.) 2)to give one's name (as) 3)to impersonate or claim (to be someone)
名のる / なのる : v5r vi 1)to call oneself (name, label, etc.) 2)to give one's name (as) 3)to impersonate or claim (to be someone)
なの : exp 1 fem col 1)used to make an assertion 2 fem col 2)used to ask a question
7日 / なぬか / なのか : n-adv 1 1)the seventh day of the month 2 2)seven days
七日 / なぬか / なのか : n-adv 1 1)the seventh day of the month 2 2)seven days P
なのに : conj 1)and yet 2)despite this 3)but even so 4)but even then 5)however 6)nevertheless 7)for all that 8)notwithstanding that

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