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模様 / もよう : n 1 1)pattern 2)figure 3)design 2 4)state 5)condition 3 6)conjecture of the current situation 7)the way it seems 4 8)model 9)pattern 10)example 5 11)(after a noun) indicates that that noun seems likely (e.g. rain or storm) P
萠黄 / もえぎ / もよぎ : n 1)light yellowish green 2)color of a freshly sprouted onion ok n 3)light yellowish green
萌黄 / もえぎ / もよぎ : n 1)light yellowish green 2)color of a freshly sprouted onion ok n 3)light yellowish green
萌葱 / もえぎ / もよぎ : n 1)light yellowish green 2)color of a freshly sprouted onion ok n 3)light yellowish green
最寄り / もより : n adj-no 1)nearest 2)neighbouring 3)neighboring 4)nearby P
最寄 / もより : io n adj-no 1)nearest 2)neighbouring 3)neighboring 4)nearby
貰う / もらう : v5u vt 1 uk 1)to receive 2)to take 3)to accept 2 4)to get somebody to do something (follows a verb in "te" form) P
舫う / もやう : v5u 1)to moor (a boat)
催合う / もやう : v5u arch 1)to co-operate (in enterprises) 2)to hold in common 3)to share

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