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やし油 / やしゆ : 1)coconut oil
/ しゃ / やしろ : n n-suf 1 abbr 1)company 2)association 3)society 2 4)regional Chinese god of the earth (or a village built in its honour) suf 3 5)counter for companies, shrines, etc. n 6)shrine (usually Shinto)
野心 / やしん : n 1)ambition 2)aspiration 3)designs 4)treachery P
やし油 / やしゆ : 1)coconut oil
椰子油 / やしゆ : n 1)coconut oil
野趣 / やしゅ : n 1)rural beauty 2)rusticity 3)rustic beauty
野手 / やしゅ : n 1)(baseb) fielder P
夜叉 / やしゃ : n 1)yaksha (Buddhist guardian deities sometimes depicted as demonic warriors) (san: ...

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