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アップル : n 1 1)apple 2 2)(comp) Apple (computer company)
アップ : n n-suf vs 1 1)increasing (eng: up) n vs 2 abbr 2)uploading n 3 abbr 3)close-up n vs 4 abbr 4)finishing shooting (of a film, etc.) n 5 5)up (i.e. of a woman's hair) 6 6)being up (i.e. leading in sports) abbr 7)(7) warming up n-suf 8)(8) being over 9)being finished P
アダプト : vs 1)to adapt
アッチ系 / アッチけい : n sl 1)person with quite different customs, habits, etc. 2)person from a minority group 3)weirdo
アッペ : n abbr 1)appendicitis
アッセイ / あっせい : 1)assay 2)assay (vs)
アッシー : n 1 abbr 1)(automotive) assembly 2 sl 2)man who drives a woman around for free 3)man used by a woman for his car
アップルパイ : n 1)apple pie

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