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シメチジン : n 1)cimetidine
シメチジン / しめちじん : 1)cimetidine
シメジ : n 1 uk 1)Lyophyllum shimeji (species of edible mushroom) 2 2)euagaric fungus (in grocery stores, usu. refers to cultivated field mushrooms, e...
シメ : n uk 1)hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
シムーン : n 1)simoon
シメニア狼 / シメニアおおかみ : n 1)simenian wolf (carnivore, Canis simensis) 2)Abyssinia jackal 3)simian jackal 4)simenian jackal 5)Ethiopian wolf
シモクレン : n uk 1)alternative name for lily magnolia (Magnolia quinquepeta, Magnolia liliiflora)
下家 / げや / したや / しもや / しもチャ / シモチャ / シャーチャ : n 1)small attached annex 2)lean-to n 3)right-hand opponent (mahjong) (chi:) 4)player to one's right ik n 5)right-hand opponent (mahjong) (chi:)

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