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ハマトビムシ : n uk 1)beach flea (any amphipod of family Talitridae) 2)sand flea 3)sand hopper
ハマトラ : n abbr 1)style of clothing popular in the late 1970s and resembling a Catholic school uni...
ハムシ : n uk 1)leaf beetle (of family Chrysomelidae)
ハリガネムシ : n 1 uk 1)any horsehair worm of class Gordioidea 2)gordian worm (of class Gordioidea) 3)hair worm (of class Gordioidea) 2 4)wireworm (click beetle larva)
ハヤシ : n 1 1)hash (e.g. hashed meat) 2 2)hash (function)
ハマベブドウ : n uk 1)sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera) 2)baygrape
ハビット : n 1)habit
ハビレ : n 1)bignose shark (Carcharhinus altimus, species of circumglobal requiem shark)

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