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会見 / かいけん : n vs 1)interview 2)audience P
会葬 / かいそう : n vs 1)attendance at a funeral
会場 / かいじょう : n 1)assembly hall 2)meeting place 3)venue 4)grounds P
会席 / かいせき : n 1 1)meeting place 2)seats for the public 2 abbr 3)restaurant dinner tray 4)set of dishes served on an individual tray for entertaining guests 5)banquet
会頭 / かいとう : n 1)society president P
会式 / えしき : n 1 1)(Buddh) memorial service 2)temple service 2 3)(Nichiren Buddhism) memorial service for Nichiren (13th day of 10th month)
会得 / えとく : n vs 1)understanding 2)comprehension 3)grasp 4)perception 5)appreciation 6)mastery (of an art or skill)
会心 / かいしん : n vs 1)congeniality 2)satisfaction P

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