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作戦 / さくせん : n 1 1)tactics 2)strategy 2 3)military or naval operations P
作付 / さくつけ / さくづけ : n vs 1)planting
作る / つくる : v5r vt 1 1)to make 2)to produce 3)to manufacture 4)to build 5)to construct 2 6)to prepare (food) 7)to brew (alcohol) 3 8)to raise 9)to grow 10)to cultivate 11)to train 4 12)to till 5 13)to draw up (a document) 14)to make out 15)to prepare 16)to write 6 17)to create (an artistic work, etc.) 18)to compose 19)(7) to coin (a phrase) 20)to organize 21)to organise 22)to establish 23)to found 24)(8) to have (a child) 25)(9) to make up (one's face, etc.) 26)(10) to fabricate (an excuse, etc.) 27)(11) to form (a line, etc.) 28)(12) to set (a record) 29)(13) to commit (a sin, etc.) P
作柄 / さくがら : n 1 1)crop conditions 2 2)quality (of art) P
作為 / さくい : n vs 1 1)artificiality 2 2)act 3)commission (of a crime)
作例 / さくれい : n 1)model of writing
作出 / さくしゅつ : n vs 1)new creation 2)new invention 3)new production 4)new breed
作劇 / さくげき : n vs 1)playwriting

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