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偏差平方和 / へんさへいほうわ : 1)sum of squared deviation
偏差 / へんさ : n 1)deflection 2)deviation 3)variation 4)declination 5)drift
偏差値 / へんさち : n 1)deviation value (usu. scaled to mean of 50, standard deviation of 10, and often ... 2)deviation 3)T-score 4)standard score P
偏平 / へんぺい : adj-na n adj-no 1)flat
偏平足 / へんぺいそく : iK n 1)flatfoot 2)splayfoot
偏差値教育 / へんさちきょういく : n 1)deviation-value-oriented education 2)education focussed on test results 3)education that stresses studying and passing exams to raise one's ranking 4)academic cramming
偏芯 / へんしん : iK n adj-no 1)eccentricity (in mechanics, electronics, etc.)
偏奇 / へんき : n 1)eccentricity

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