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取る / とる : v5r vt 1 1)to take 2)to pick up 3)to harvest 4)to earn 5)to choose 2 6)to steal 3 7)to eat 8)to have (a meal) 4 9)to remove (one's glasses, etc.) 5 10)to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.) 11)to play P
取得 / しゅとく / とりえ : n vs 1)acquisition P iK n 2)worth 3)redeeming feature 4)merit 5)gain 6)profit
取付 / とりつけ : n 1 1)installation 2)mounting 3)furnishing 4)fitting 2 5)run (on a bank) 6)bank run
取所 / とりどころ : n 1)merit 2)worth
取手 / とって / とりて : n 1)handle 2)grip 3)knob n 1 4)recipient 5)receiver 6)acceptor 7)taker 2 MA 8)(sumo) skilled practitioner (of judo, sumo, etc.) 3 9)person who picks up the cards (in karuta games)
取分 / とりぶん / とりわけ : n 1)one's share or portion adv n 1 uk 2)especially 3)above all 2 4)inter alia 5)among others
取れる / とれる : v1 vi vt 1 1)to come off 2)to be removed 2 3)(of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear 3 4)to be caught 5)to be harvested 4 6)to be interpreted (as) 7)to be taken as 5 8)(of balance, etc.) to be attained 6 9)to be obtainable P
取代 / とりしろ : n 1)portion 2)one's share

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