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喰う / くう : v5u vt 1 male vulg 1)to eat 2 2)to live 3)to make a living 4)to survive 3 5)to bite 6)to sting (as insects do) 4 7)to tease 8)to torment 9)to taunt 10)to make light of 11)to make fun of 5 12)to encroach on 13)to eat into 14)to consume 6 15)to defeat a superior 16)to threaten a position 17)(7) to consume time and-or resources col 18)(8) to receive something (usu. an unfavourable event) male vulg 19)(9) to have sexual relations with a woman, esp. for the first time
喫う / すう : v5u vt 1 1)to smoke 2)to breathe in 3)to inhale 2 4)to suck 5)to sip 6)to slurp 3 7)to absorb 8)to soak up 4 9)to kiss
喪う / うしなう : iK v5u vt 1)to lose 2)to part with
喰殺 / しょくさつ : 1)muricide (vs)
喰らう / くらう : v5u vt 1 vulg 1)to eat 2)to drink 2 3)to receive (e.g. a blow)
営倉 / えいそう : n 1)guardhouse 2)detention barracks
営む / いとなむ : v5m vt 1)to carry on (e.g. in ceremony) 2)to run a business P
営み / いとなみ : n 1)work 2)life P

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