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好発部位 / こうはつぶい : 1)favorite site
好発年齢 / こうはつねんれい : n 1)(med) susceptible age (for a disease, condition, etc.) 2)common age
好発 / こうはつ : n vs vi 1)(med) occurring frequently 2)being susceptible 3)age, body part, group of people, etc. in which a disease or condition occurs esp...
好位 / こうい : n abbr 1)favourable position (esp. in horse racing, e.g. in 3rd to 5th place during a rac...
好球 / こうきゅう : n 1)good pitch
好結果 / こうけっか : n 1)good results or outcome
好異種 / こういしゅ : 1)heterophile 2)heterophil
好男子 / こうだんし : n 1)handsome man

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