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拘引状 / こういんじょう : n 1)summons 2)warrant of arrest
拘引 / こういん : n vs 1)arrest 2)custody 3)seduction 4)abduction
拘らず / かかわらず : exp 1)in spite of 2)regardless of
拐引 / かいいん : n vs 1)carrying off by deception 2)kidnap
招待状 / しょうたいじょう : n 1)written invitation
拘う / かかずらう : v5u vi 1 uk 1)to be mixed up with 2)to have a connection with (a troublesome matter) 2 3)to be a stickler about 4)to be finicky about (some triviality) 3 5)to take part (in some work) 6)to hang about 7)to bother (someone)
拘らう / かかずらう : v5u vi 1 uk 1)to be mixed up with 2)to have a connection with (a troublesome matter) 2 3)to be a stickler about 4)to be finicky about (some triviality) 3 5)to take part (in some work) 6)to hang about 7)to bother (someone)
拘り / こだわり : n 1 uk 1)obsession 2)fixation 3)hangup 4)determination 5)fastidiousness 6)pickiness about (trait, style, etc.) 2 uk 7)complaining 8)criticizing

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