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握り屋 / にぎりや : n 1)miser 2)grasping fellow
握り / にぎり : n 1 1)grasping 2)gripping 3)grasp 4)grip 5)clutch 2 6)handful 7)fistful 3 8)handle 9)knob 4 abbr 10)rice ball 5 abbr 11)nigirizushi 12)hand-formed sushi with a topping of seafood, etc. P
握り拳 / にぎりこぶし : n 1)clenched fist
握り箸 / にぎりばし : n 1)grasping one's chopsticks the same way one might hold a walking stick (a breach ...
握り鮨 / にぎりずし : n 1)(food) nigirizushi 2)hand-formed sushi with a topping of seafood, etc.
握り飯 / にぎりめし : n 1)rice ball P
握り鋏 / にぎりばさみ : n 1)U shaped scissors with no place to put one's fingers 2)shears
揺り / ゆり : n 1)vibration 2)flickering 3)jolting 4)tremor

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