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歌謡 / かよう : n 1)song 2)ballad P
歌唱 / かしょう : n vs 1)song 2)singing P
歌道 / かどう : n 1)versification 2)tanka poetry
歌垣 / うたがき : n arch 1)gathering of men and women who sang courtship songs to each other and danced 2)dancing and singing feast of young men and women in ancient Japan
歌境 / かきょう : n 1)mood of a poem 2)poet's mood when writing
歌壇 / かだん : n 1)poetry circles
歌声 / うたごえ : n 1)singing voice P
歌妓 / かぎ : n 1)woman who earns her living by entertaining with song, dance and playing the sham... 2)geisha who sings at parties

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