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無縁墓地 / むえんぼち : n 1)cemetery for those who left no relatives behind 2)potter's field
無縁墓 / むえんばか : n 1)tomb of someone with no relatives to mourn their death
無縁社会 / むえんしゃかい : n 1)society in which individuals are isolated and have weak personal links between e...
無縁 / むえん : adj-no adj-na n 1 1)unrelated 2)irrelevant 3)indifferent adj-no n 2 4)without relations (esp. of a deceased person) 5)having no surviving relatives 3 6)(Buddh) unrelated to the teachings of Buddha 7)unable to be saved by Buddha P
無縁塚 / むえんづか : n 1)tomb of someone with no relatives to mourn their death
無縁仏 / むえんぼとけ : n 1)deceased person (with no one to tend the grave)
無能者 / むのうしゃ : n 1)incompetent (person)
無脂肪 / むしぼう : adj-no 1)fat-free 2)no fat

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