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物欲 / ぶつよく : n 1)greed 2)worldly or materialistic desires
物産 / ぶっさん : n 1)product P
物申 / ものもう : exp abbr arch 1)hallo! 2)excuse me! 3)announcing one's presence when calling at someone's house
物干 / ものほし : io n 1)frame for drying clothes 2)clotheshorse
物書 / ものかき : n 1)writer 2)copyist
物影 / ものかげ : n 1)form 2)shape 3)figure
物心 / ぶっしん / ものごころ : n 1)matter and mind n 2)awareness of things around one 3)ability to understand what is going on around oneself 4)judgment 5)judgement 6)discretion P
物忌 / ぶっき / ものいまい / ものいみ : n vs 1)fasting 2)abstinence 3)confinement to one's house on an unlucky day

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