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生死判別試験 / せいしはんべつしけん : 1)viability test
生死 / しょうし / しょうじ / せいし : n 1 1)life and death 2 2)(Buddh) samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) 3 3)death n 4)life and death P
生死流転 / しょうじるてん : n vs 1)all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth 2)the circle of transmigration
生死輪廻 / せいしりんね : n vs 1)all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth 2)the circle of transmigration
生死の境 / せいしのさかい : n 1)between life and death
生死一如 / せいしいちにょ : exp 1)Life and death are the two faces of the same coin
生漆 / きうるし : n 1)unrefined sap of the lacquer tree
生殖能力 / せいしょくのうりょく : n 1)reproductive capability 2)fertility 3)fecundity 4)biotic potential

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