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相当 / そうとう : adj-na n-adv vs 1 1)befitting 2)becoming 3)worthy of 4)proportionate 5)in keeping with 6)suitable 2 7)considerable 8)substantial vs 3 9)to be worthy of 10)to be proportionate to 4 11)to correspond to (in meaning, function, etc.) 12)to be equivalent adv 5 13)extremely 14)considerably P
相反 / あいはん / そうはん : vs 1)to be contrary 2)to run counter to 3)to conflict 4)to contravene 1 5)(adj-f) reciprocal 6)antithetic 7)contrary n 2 8)repulsion (in medicine)
相引 / あいびき : n 1 1)for enemies and allies to pull back their troops at the same time 2 2)responding to enemy arrow fire with arrow fire
相当数 / そうとうすう : n 1)a considerable number 2)a fair number
相当量 / そうとうりょう : 1)substantial amount
相役 / あいやく : n 1)colleague
相待 / そうだい : n 1)(Buddh) existing in opposition or interdependence
相律 / そうりつ : 1)phase rule

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