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立て直し / たてなおし : n 1)revamping 2)reshaping 3)rearranging 4)reorganizing
立て直る / たてなおる : v5r vi 1)to recover 2)to rally 3)to pick up
立て直す / たてなおす : v5s vt 1)to rally 2)to make over 3)to rearrange 4)to reorganize 5)to reorganise P
立て込む / たてこむ : v5m vi 1)to be crowded 2)to be busy P
立てて / たてて : adv 1)especially 2)particularly 3)wholeheartedly
立てる / たてる : v1 vt 1 1)to stand up 2)to put up 3)to set up 4)to erect 5)to raise 2 6)to thrust into 7)to bury into 8)to dig into 3 9)to make (a noise) 10)to start (a rumour) 11)to raise (a cloud of dust, etc.) 12)to cause 4 13)to make 14)to establish 15)to develop 16)to formulate 5 17)to put up (a political candidate) 18)to make (one's leader) 6 19)to treat with respect 20)to give (someone) their due 21)to make (someone) look good 22)to avoid embarrassing (someone) 23)(7) to sharpen 24)to make clear 25)(8) to shut 26)to close 27)(9) to make tea (macha) 28)to perform the tea ceremony 29)(10) to divide by suf v1 30)(11) to do ... vigorously P
立て付け / たてつけ : n 1)way a door fits
立て前 / たてまえ : n 1 1)face 2)official stance 3)public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts) 2 4)tea ceremony procedures 5)tea ceremony etiquette

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