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総務部長 / そうむぶちょう : n 1)chief of the general affairs department (bureau) 2)chief of the executive section
総務会長 / そうむかいちょう : n 1)chairman of executive council (usu. of a party) 2)chairman of the general affairs committee
総務部 / そうむぶ : n 1)general affairs department (bureau) 2)executive section P
総務相 / そうむしょう : n 1)Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications
総務庁 / そうむちょう : n 1)General Affairs Agency
総務局 / そうむきょく : n 1)General Affairs Bureau P
総務大臣 / そうむだいじん : n 1)Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications
総務会 / そうむかい : n 1)executive council (usu. of a party) 2)board of governors 3)general affairs committee

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