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薄め液 / うすめえき : n 1)paint thinner
薄め / うすめ : adj-no adj-na n 1)slight 2)thin 3)on the weak side
薄める / うすめる : v1 vt 1)to dilute 2)to water down P
薄口 / うすくち : n 1)light (flavor, flavour)
薄味 / うすあじ / はくみ : adj-no 1)bland 2)mild-tasting 3)lightly seasoned 4)insipid n 5)thin taste
薄命 / はくめい : n 1)misfortune 2)short life 3)evil fate
薄商い / うすあきない : n 1)light trading 2)low volume of transactions
薄団 / ふとん : iK n 1 1)futon (quilted Japanese-style mattress laid out on the floor) 2 2)round cushion used for Zen meditation (traditionally made of woven bulrush leave...

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