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被る / かぶる / かむる / こうむる : v5r vt 1 1)to put on (one's head) 2)to wear 3)to have on 4)to pull over (one's head) 5)to crown (oneself) 2 6)to be covered with (dust, snow, etc.) 7)to pour (water, etc.) on oneself 8)to dash on oneself 9)to ship water 3 10)to bear (e.g. someone's debts, faults, etc.) 11)to take (blame) 12)to assume (responsibility) 13)to shoulder (burden) 4 14)to overlap (e.g. sound or color) 5 15)to be similar 16)to be redundant v5r vi 6 17)to be fogged (due to overexposure, etc.) 18)(7) to close 19)to come to an end 20)(8) to get a full house 21)to sell out arch 22)(9) to blunder 23)to bungle 24)to fail arch 25)(10) to be deceived P v5r vt 26)to suffer 27)to receive 28)to sustain
被せ / きせ : n 1)not folding on a stitch but placing the fold (2mm) deeper past the stitch, foldi...
被服 / ひふく : n 1)clothing P
被曝 / ひばく : n vs 1)being exposed to radiation 2)radiation exposure
被害 / ひがい : n 1)(suffering) damage 2)injury 3)harm P
被官 / ひかん : n 1 1)lower government office (ritsuryo period) 2 2)servant of a higher ranking person (during the middle ages) 3)retainer 3 4)servant of an urban family 4 5)serf
被告 / ひこく : n 1)defendant 2)the accused P
被包 / ひほう : 1)encapsulation 2)epiboly

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