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見方 / みかた : n 1 1)viewpoint 2)point of view 2 3)way of understanding 4)way of appreciating 5)how to look at something (e.g. noh, train schedule) P
見様 / みよう : n 1)point of view 2)way of seeing
見学 / けんがく : n vs 1)inspection 2)study by observation 3)field trip P
見映 / みばえ : n 1)show 2)display 3)appearance 4)vanity 5)charm 6)attraction
見猿 / みざる : n 1)see-not monkey (one of the three wise monkeys)
見料 / けんりょう : n 1)admission fee 2)fee for having one's fortune told
見幕 / けんまく : n 1)threatening attitude 2)menacing look 3)angry look
見所 / けんしょ / けんじょ / みどころ : n 1 1)audience seating (noh theater) 2 2)audience (esp. in noh) n 1 3)point worthy of note 4)highlight (e.g. in a film) 5)thing to note 2 6)good prospects for the future 7)promise P

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