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見送る / みおくる : v5r vt 1 1)to see off (e.g. to the station, an airport, etc.) 2)to escort (e.g. home) 3)to farewell 2 4)to see out 5)to send off 3 6)to let pass 7)to wait and see 8)to continue (e.g. in legal contexts) 4 9)to let a pitch go by (baseball) 10)to watch a batted ball go into the stands P
見送人 / みおくりにん : n 1)someone who has come to say farewell 2)those who have come to say farewell 3)people at a send-off
見返る / みかえる : v5r vi 1)to look back
見破る / みやぶる : v5r vt 1)to see through another's thoughts 2)to have a sharp eye 3)to penetrate 4)to fathom P
見知る / みしる : v5r vt 1)to recognise 2)to know by sight 3)to become acquainted with
見縊る / みくびる : v5r vt 1)to underrate 2)to belittle 3)to look down on 4)to despise P
見積る / みつもる : v5r 1)to estimate
見遣る / みやる : v5r vt 1)to look at 2)to gaze 3)to stare at

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