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請求 / せいきゅう : n vs 1)claim 2)demand 3)charge 4)application 5)request 6)billing (for a service) P
請求権 / せいきゅうけん : n 1)claim rights P
請け / うけ : n n-suf 1 1)popularity 2)favour 3)favor 4)reception n 2 5)defense 6)defence 7)reputation 3 8)agreement 4 9)receiver of technique (e.g. in martial arts) 5 uk col 10)submissive partner of a homosexual relationship
請託 / せいたく : n vs 1)solicitation P
請人 / うけにん : n 1)guarantor
請取 / うけとり : n 1)receipt
請願 / せいがん : n vs adj-no 1)petition P
請宿 / うけやど : n arch 1)agency that dispatches lodged servants

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