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負け戦 / まけいくさ : n 1)lost battle
負け色 / まけいろ : n 1)signs of defeat
負け組 / まけぐみ : n 1)losers (those who have 'failed' socially, economically, etc.)
負け犬 / まけいぬ : n 1 1)dejected loser 2)dog that has lost a fight (with its tail between its legs) 2 sl 3)(derog) unmarried woman (with no children) over the age of 30 P
負け星 / まけぼし : n 1)mark indicating a defeat
負け得 / まけどく : n 1)(sumo) loss of a low-ranked wrestler in the extra eighth bout in the tournament
負け / まけ : n 1)defeat 2)loss 3)losing (a game) P
負けじ / まけじ : 1)(adv-to) indomitably 2)undauntedly

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