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逆供与 / ぎゃくきょうよ : 1)back-donation (vs)
逆反応 / ぎゃくはんのう : 1)reverse reaction (vs)
逆提案 / ぎゃくていあん : n 1)counter-proposal
逆接 / ぎゃくせつ : n 1)contradictory conjunction (but, however, etc.)
逆探知 / ぎゃくたんち : n vs 1)phone trace 2)detecting the source of a telephone call
逆捻 / さかねじ : io n 1 1)turning an object in the wrong direction 2 2)retort
逆捩じ / さかねじ : n 1 1)turning an object in the wrong direction 2 2)retort
逆拡散 / ぎゃくかくさん : 1)back diffusion (vs)

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