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逢うは別れの始め / あうはわかれのはじめ : exp 1)those who meet must part (suggesting the transient nature of this life) 2)we meet only to part
逢う / あう : v5u vi 1 1)to meet 2)to encounter 2 uk 3)to have an accident 4)to have a bad experience P
逢う魔が時 / おうまがとき : exp 1)twilight 2)the time for disasters (similar to 'the witching hour' but not midnight)
逢い引き / あいびき : n vs 1)(lover's) date 2)assignation 3)rendezvous
連れ込み宿 / つれこみやど : n 1)traditional love hotel 2)traditional Japanese inn specially for couples
連れ込み / つれこみ : n 1)taking one's lover to a hotel
連れ舞 / つれまい : n 1)dance done by two persons or more
連れ立つ / つれだつ : v5t vi 1)to accompany 2)to go with 3)to go together

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