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随時 / ずいじ : n-adv n 1)at any time 2)as occasion calls P
随う / したがう : v5u vi 1)to abide (by the rules) 2)to obey 3)to follow 4)to accompany
随伴 / ずいはん : n vs 1 1)attendance 2)accompanying 3)following 2 4)(math) adjoint
随処 / ずいしょ : n 1)everywhere 2)at every turn
随分 / ずいぶん : adv 1 1)very 2)extremely 3)surprisingly 4)considerably adj-na 2 5)contemptible 6)reprehensible P
随員 / ずいいん : n 1)member of an entourage or retinue or party 2)attendant P
随喜 / ずいき : n vs 1)deep gratitude or happiness
随従 / ずいじゅう : n vs 1)following the lead of 2)playing second fiddle to 3)follower

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