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馬子にも衣装 / まごにもいしょう : exp 1)anybody can look good with the right clothes 2)clothes make the man 3)fine feathers make fine birds 4)clothes on a packhorse driver
馬子にも衣裳 / まごにもいしょう : exp 1)anybody can look good with the right clothes 2)clothes make the man 3)fine feathers make fine birds 4)clothes on a packhorse driver
馬鹿も一芸 / ばかもいちげい : exp 1)even a fool has one talent
馬子 / まご : n 1)packhorse driver
馬鹿にする / ばかにする : exp 1)to make fun of 2)to look down on 3)to make light of
馬鹿に / ばかに : adv 1)ridiculously 2)unusually 3)exceptionally
馬に乗る / うまにのる : exp v5r 1)to get on a horse 2)to mount a horse
馬糞紙 / ばふんし : n 1 1)rough cardboard made from straw 2 arch 2)low-grade paper (used as a lining)

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